8 Key Nutrients Vegans Need
Being on a Vegan diet has many health benefits as one would not expect including having low saturated fat and sugar level. Plus, you get your body nourished with high levels of antioxidants. However, excluding certain food groups, can cause deficiency in nutrients and minerals.
Here are the nutrients you need when you’re a vegan.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Omega-3 fatty acids
These are the nutrients found that come from meat, fish, and dairy products that aren’t part of the vegan diet so it’s important for you to find alternatives.
Vitamin B12
B12 is vital when it comes to overcoming fatigue and keeping your brain and blood cells healthy. They’re also responsible for the production of DNA.
Protein has a host of benefits including the growth and repair of your muscles and bones. They also carry oxygen around your body so it is essential for you to get enough of it.
Iron also helps carry oxygen around your body and if you don’t get enough iron, you feel sluggish and tired.
Chia seeds, apricots, raisins, lentils are among the good sources of iron. And if you pair it with foods that are rich in vitamin C, it will help absorb iron effectively.
Being vegan can get your calcium levels to drop as dairy foods one of the main dietary sources. And calcium keeps your bones and teeth strong and improves your cognitive function.
Vitamin D
Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D but it can be difficult to get as much as you need especially during the winter months.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids can’t be produced by your body naturally so it’s important that you get these essentials fats.
Good sources can come from sunflower or hemp, walnuts, pumpkin, soya spreads and vegetable oil.
Zinc is another essential nutrient vital in the growth and repair of your muscles. It also keeps your skin in good condition.
A deficiency in selenium could greatly affect your hair, nails, skin, and thyroid function. It can even affect male fertility.
So with this information and a little effort, you’ll get all these essential nutrients that you need when you’re a vegan.